

Assessment process will include assessment tools with some standardised assessment and structured clinical observations to obtain a baseline of your child’s strengths and weaknesses to help determine priorities for treatment. During these sessions we will also discuss your concerns and how occupational therapy could be beneficial for your child. Following assessment a formal report will be supplied to parents (as requested). Results of the assessment will help guide future therapy.

Early Intervention(EI) Therapy is used to describe the services and supports that are available to babies and young children with developmental delays and disabilities and their families. The early facilitation can have a significant impact on a child’s ability to learn new skills and overcome challenges and can increase success in school and life.

A program designed for the kids who want more information and opportunity to optimise their development and capacities within various contexts. A school like environment for the special kids shall be provided which will enhance their social participation, thereby giving them and their family better quality of life.

Though we emphasise weekly 5 days therapy at the therapy center , few farther kids who can’t come regularly they can take home program and can come for follow up.

Parent Education Program- we conduct various parent seminars time to time so that parent get enough understanding on various topics. Teacher Education Program- we arrange various seminars in which the school personnel get an idea of how to mainstream the special kids.

We help you

We can make you feel at home. Our services are designed taking into the requirements and needs of people. Our services are targeted to cater various needs.

We are for you

We are for you. Feel free to discuss any problems which you are facing.We will make your stay at our clinic wonderful. We care for your needs and we will help you to clarify your doubts.

Our Creativity

Our therapist are very creative and use modern oriented approach in daily activities for faster rehabilitation. Our creativity has been admired by parents and gave them the confidence on OccKid

OccKid ?

OccKid is a pediatric clinic located in Berhampur, Ganjam. We predominantly deal with the age group of 0-21 years. Individualised Therapeutic treatment is provided as well as consultation for a home program and follow up is done. Our therapists and educators incorporate sensory integration, neuro-developmental techniques, fine/visuo/oro motor development, play skills, self help skills, academic readiness specific to each child’s needs

We at OccKid try to resolve all your problems which can improve the quality of life od your family. We are committed to deliver the best approach required for the overall growth and development of the children. With our expertise of 6+ years of experience in this field,we will help the children with special needs to lead a burden free and meaningful life.

How to get Started?

If you or someone you know are concerned for a child's development, discuss with us or request for a referral

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